You have visited the website (hereinafter the company). Before using our website, please read this Privacy Policy carefully.


The company informs you about how it collects and processes information about you.
Personal data (PI) is any information that refers to natural persons whose identity is known or can be ascertained.
The protection of your personal data is very important to the company which takes measures in this direction when you visit its Website.
This Privacy Policy lists the type of information we may collect when you visit our Website and informs you of how we use this information. When you voluntarily provide us with personal information, such as your name, address or email address, we treat that information in strict confidence. Subject to specific provisions of this Personal Data Protection Policy, no personal information is subject to rental, sale, public posting or disclosure to other companies, organizations or websites.
As reflected in the Terms of Use of the website and the Cookies Policy, the services provided through the website are aimed at a general audience, are not aimed at children and do not – to their knowledge – collect personal information from children under the age of 16.The Personal Data Protection Policy applies to all website users. This Policy applies to the Company’s collection and use of your personal information (eg personally identifiable information such as full name or email address).


When you visit the business website, we may collect data from you. Some of this data may be of a personal nature.
This data may include your search history, IP address, screen resolution, browser used, operating system and settings, access times and referral URL.
If you use a mobile device, we may also collect data that identifies your device, settings, and location.
The company reserves the right to collect non-personal user identification information [browser type, computer type, operating system, internet providers, etc.] and/or track Internet Protocol addresses (IP Addresses) using corresponding technologies (cookies).
Cookies are small text files that are stored on each user’s hard drive without being able to access documents or files from the user’s computer.
They are used to facilitate user access when using specific services and/or pages of the Website, as well as for statistical purposes. For more information about the cookies used by the Website, users are requested to visit the Cookies Policy page.If you are interested in being contacted via the contact form, we will collect your name and email address.
If you choose to subscribe to the company’s newsletter, we will collect your email address (Newsletter Policy)


We collect your personal data directly from you. You provide us with your personal data when you complete the registration/contact forms available on our website (e.g. contact form).


We use your personal data to respond to your requests with the aim of e.g. the constant update by receiving the newsletter, communication about matters that concern you, etc.
Your personal data that we collect through the website is not shared/transferred to third parties.


You have the right to obtain information about your personal data that we have stored at any time, in accordance with applicable law and without any charge.
We may ask for proof of your identity before giving you this data. In some cases, we may not be able to allow access to certain personal data.
For example, if your personal data relates to other people’s personal data or if it is held for legal reasons.
In these cases, we will explain to you the reason why you cannot obtain this data.
You have the right to request the correction – update of your details and the company will correct them immediately.
You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data and the company will delete them immediately. However, in certain cases where applicable legal and tax obligations require the mandatory retention of data, the deletion of data may be prohibited. In these cases, we will explain to you why and for how long we cannot delete your personal data.
You have the right to request the company to stop processing your personal data and the company will stop processing them immediately.
If this is not possible, we will explain to you why we cannot stop processing your data.
You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data by the company and the {company/entity} will proceed with the immediate restriction of their processing. If this is not possible, we will explain to you why we cannot restrict the processing of your personal data.
You have the right to request the transmission of your personal data to another entity/organization and the company will proceed with the immediate transmission of this data.
However, in some cases due to documented obligations of the company, your request may not be accepted.In the event that it is proven that your personal data has been leaked by the company resulting in you suffering material or non-material damage, you have the right to complain to the competent supervisory authority (Personal Data Protection Authority).
To exercise your rights above, or if you have questions about our privacy policy, or if you need help exercising or understanding your privacy choices, please contact our privacy team at


The company may modify this Personal Data Protection Policy.
If we make significant changes to this Policy that expand our rights to use the personal data we have already collected from you, we will notify you and provide you with a choice about future use of that data.